la gatta frettolosa

Divorzio breve? Nullità matrimoniale breve?
Lettura consigliata, oltre la pagina evangelica di Marta e Maria: L'arte della lentezza di J.-L. Servan-Schreiber

Burke noted that similar proposals to alter the process along the lines that were suggested at the Synod (and now implemented in the Motu Proprio) were also proposed before the 1983 reformation of canon law and were rejected by Pope St. John Paul II. Moreover Burke noted that the Vatican already attempted a lessening of the procedures for the United States in the 70s and early 80s, leading to an impression of “Catholic divorce.”

Nota: Burke mi piace da quando è stato defenestrato:
Ah! Che bell'aria fresca...
Ch'addore 'e malvarosa...